How To Cancel Subscription? Easy Guide!

CancelSteps.Com | How To Cancel Subscription? In the world of online shopping, saving money is always a hot topic, and subscription services like offer a way to do just that. However, circumstances change, and you may find yourself in a position where you need to cancel your subscription or even delete your entire account. In this article, we’ll guide you through these processes in an easy-to-understand and friendly manner.

How To Cancel Subscription

Reasons to Cancel Subscription

Life has a way of surprising us, and sometimes, the need to cancel a subscription or delete an account arises. Here are some common reasons why you might consider doing so:

  1. Change in Financial Situation: You might need to tighten your budget temporarily or due to unforeseen circumstances. This could include unexpected medical expenses, job loss, or changes in your financial goals.
  2. Change in Shopping Habits: Perhaps you’re shopping less frequently or have found alternatives. For example, you might have discovered local stores that offer better deals or a change in your lifestyle that reduced your shopping needs.
  3. Privacy Concerns: Worries about your personal information may prompt you to delete your account. In an age of heightened awareness about data privacy, many individuals are cautious about the information they share online.
  4. Dissatisfaction: If you’re not getting the value you expected from the service, you might want to cancel. This could relate to not receiving as much cash back as you anticipated, a limited range of supported stores, or issues with the user experience.
  5. Unwanted Email Communications: If you’re receiving too many emails from, it might be a reason to cancel your account. Managing email preferences can sometimes alleviate this concern.

More on Managing Financial Situations

Financial situations can change rapidly, and it’s important to adapt accordingly. Here are some additional strategies to consider if you’re facing a change in your financial situation:

  1. Creating a Temporary Budget: If your financial situation is temporarily strained, consider creating a strict budget to help you through the tough times. There are numerous budgeting apps and templates available that can make this process easier.
  2. Exploring Financial Assistance Programs: In times of financial hardship, there are often government programs, non-profit organizations, or community resources that can provide assistance. It’s worth researching what options are available to you.
  3. Negotiating with Creditors: If you have outstanding debts, it’s often possible to negotiate with creditors to adjust payment terms or seek temporary relief.
  4. Building an Emergency Fund: Once you’ve weathered the financial storm, consider building an emergency fund to prepare for future unexpected expenses. Even small, regular contributions can add up over time.

How to Cancel Subscription?

If you’re looking to cancel your premium subscription, known as SmartyPlus, on, follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Log in to Your Account: Open your preferred web browser on your device, go to, and log in to your account.
  2. Access Your Profile: Once logged in, you’ll see your name at the top right corner of the screen. Click on your name.
  3. Navigate to “My Account”: From the dropdown menu, select “My Account.” This is where you can manage your account settings.
  4. Find the “Subscription” Option: In your account settings, you’ll find a “Subscription” option in the “Profile” tab. Click on it.
  5. View Your Active Subscription: You’ll now see your active subscription details on the page. This is where you can manage your subscription.
  6. Cancel Your Subscription: Look for the “Cancel Smarty+ Subscription” option, and click on it to begin the cancellation process.

By following these steps, you’ll successfully cancel your SmartyPlus subscription, and you won’t be charged for it in the future. Remember, these steps are direct and simple, ensuring you can navigate through the process with ease.

Confirming Your Cancellation

After canceling your subscription, it’s essential to ensure that the cancellation was successful. Keep an eye on your email for any confirmation messages or notifications from This confirmation will provide peace of mind that your premium subscription has been terminated.

How to Delete Your Account?

If you’ve decided that canceling your subscription is not enough and you want to bid farewell to your account, follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Open your web browser and go to the official website of
  2. Log In: Log in to the account that you wish to delete.
  3. Access Your Profile Page: Once logged in, you’ll see your name at the top right corner of the screen. Click on your name to access your profile page.
  4. Navigate to “My Account”: From your profile page, navigate to the “My Account” section. This is where you can manage your account settings.
  5. Choose “Delete My Account”: Scroll through the menu and look for the “Delete My Account” option. Click on it to begin the account deletion process.
  6. Follow the Prompts: will guide you through the account deletion process. Follow the prompts and provide the necessary information.

It’s essential to note that, when you delete your account, any pending or unclaimed cash-back rewards associated with your account will be lost. Be sure to use or claim these rewards before proceeding with the account deletion.

We understand that these decisions can be important, and we’re here to make the process as simple and clear as possible. By following these steps, you can successfully delete your account if that’s what’s best for you.

Be Mindful of Unclaimed Rewards

Before you delete your account, take a moment to consider any pending or unclaimed cash-back rewards associated with your account. Once your account is deleted, you’ll lose access to these rewards. To make the most of your savings, it’s a good practice to ensure you’ve claimed or used any outstanding rewards before proceeding with account deletion.

Troubleshooting and Common Issues

While the steps we’ve provided are designed to be straightforward, you might encounter some issues during the process. Here are some common problems and how to deal with them:

  • Login Issues: If you can’t log in, use the password recovery feature or contact customer support. Remember to check your email for password reset instructions.
  • Subscription Cancellation Errors: Ensure you’ve followed the steps correctly. If issues persist, reach out to customer support. They can often identify and resolve specific issues related to your subscription.

Always remember that the customer support team is there to assist you. Don’t hesitate to contact them if you need help resolving any issues you encounter.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

We’ve covered the steps to cancel your SmartyPlus subscription and delete your account. Now, let’s address some common questions you might have about these processes:

1. Can I Reactivate My Subscription After Cancelling?

Yes, in most cases, you can reactivate your subscription. However, this might depend on the terms and conditions of Review their policies or contact customer support for more information.

2. Will My Data Be Permanently Deleted When I Delete My Account?

When you delete your account, should permanently delete your personal data. However, it’s wise to review their privacy policy for precise details.

3. What Happens to My Cash-Back Rewards After Deleting My Account?

Any pending or unclaimed cash-back rewards associated with your account will be lost when you delete it. Be sure to use or claim these rewards before proceeding with the account deletion.

4. How Long Does It Take to Process a Subscription Cancellation or Account Deletion?

The processing time may vary. For subscription cancellations, it’s usually immediate. Account deletions may take a short while, so be patient.

5. What If I Need Assistance During the Process?

If you encounter any issues or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact’s customer support. They are there to help you navigate the process.

6. Can I Rejoin After Deleting My Account?

In most cases, you can rejoin after deleting your account. Review’s policies for specific conditions and details.

“Your ability to make financial decisions and manage your online presence is crucial. Whether it’s adjusting your budget, safeguarding your data, or making choices about your subscriptions, these actions can significantly impact your financial well-being.”

We hope these answers provide clarity for any concerns you might have. Remember that it’s always a good practice to review the terms and conditions of for specific details regarding subscription cancellations and account deletions.

Making the decision to cancel your subscription or delete your account is a personal choice, influenced by your individual circumstances and needs. We’ve taken you through the steps to do both in a straightforward and friendly manner, ensuring you have the knowledge to make these decisions confidently.

Remember the key takeaways:

  1. Subscription Cancellation: If you decide to cancel your SmartyPlus subscription, follow the simple steps provided in this guide. Your subscription will be terminated, and you won’t be charged further.
  2. Account Deletion: If you’ve chosen to delete your account, follow the step-by-step instructions. Keep in mind that any pending or unclaimed cash-back rewards will be lost upon deletion.

We understand that these processes can sometimes raise questions or concerns. We’ve addressed common queries in the FAQ section, and you can always reach out to’s customer support for assistance.

Whether you’re looking to manage your finances, safeguard your personal information, or simply explore other options, the ability to cancel your subscription or delete your account is a valuable tool. We’ve aimed to make the journey as accessible and clear as possible.

Your experience is important to us. If you have any further questions or insights to share, we encourage you to reach out or leave a comment. Your feedback and experiences can be a valuable resource for others in a similar situation.

We hope this guide has provided the information you need, and we wish you success in your endeavors with or wherever your shopping and saving journey takes you.