How To Cancel LA Fitness Membership Online? Easy Guide!

CancelSteps.Com | How To Cancel LA Fitness Membership Online? Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to cancel LA Fitness membership online. LA Fitness, with its vast array of amenities and services, caters to a diverse clientele seeking a healthy lifestyle.

However, various circumstances might lead individuals to reconsider their memberships. Whether it’s the quest for a more budget-friendly alternative, relocation, or a simple change of heart, understanding the cancellation process is crucial to avoid any unforeseen complications or unnecessary expenditures.

In this in-depth guide, we will unravel the step-by-step process to cancel your membership online, along with providing insights on pre-cancellation considerations, potential challenges, and alternative fitness solutions.

How To Cancel LA Fitness Membership Online?

Reasons for Cancel LA Fitness Membership

Several individuals opt to cancel their LA Fitness memberships for a variety of reasons. Understanding these reasons can help both consumers and providers in fostering improved service experiences. Here are several common grounds on which memberships are typically canceled:

1. Budget Constraints:

  • Many people might find the membership fees burdensome, especially when not utilizing the facilities optimally.
  • Economic shifts or personal financial constraints lead to reconsideration of membership values.

2. Relocation:

  • Moving to a new location without nearby LA Fitness clubs makes maintaining membership impractical.
  • People might explore local gyms or fitness centers more proximate to their new residences.

3. Health Issues:

  • Sudden or chronic health conditions might restrict workout capabilities, deeming gym memberships unnecessary.
  • Individuals might shift focus to alternative health management strategies, such as home-based exercises or therapies.

4. Unsatisfactory Experience:

  • Some members might be dissatisfied with the services, amenities, or the overall environment of LA Fitness clubs.
  • A lack of personalized attention, hygiene concerns, or overcrowdedness can lead to members seeking better-suited alternatives.

5. Changing Fitness Goals:

  • Evolving fitness goals might necessitate specialized training or facilities not provided by LA Fitness.
  • A change in workout preferences, such as outdoor activities or sports, may render gym memberships obsolete.

6. Convenience:

  • The rise in online fitness programs and home workout trends offer more flexible and convenient options.
  • The convenience of at-home workouts or on-demand fitness classes is increasingly preferred.

7. Availability of Alternatives:

  • The presence of diverse fitness centers and gyms offer varied choices catering to individual preferences and needs.
    • Some might prefer more specialized or boutique fitness experiences over comprehensive gym facilities.

Case Study:
Jane Doe, a former LA Fitness member, shares her experience: “I initially joined LA Fitness for its diverse range of facilities and programs. However, after relocating to an area where the nearest club was miles away, it became impractical to continue my membership. The cancellation process was straightforward, and I switched to a local gym that was more conveniently located.”

“Understanding your reasons for cancelling can guide you through a smoother, more informed cancellation process and aid in finding a more suitable fitness path aligned with your needs and goals.” – Fitness Expert, John Smith.

Pre-Cancellation Considerations

Before proceeding to cancel your LA Fitness membership online, there are several aspects you should contemplate to ensure a hassle-free experience. These include:

Review Contract Terms:

  • Understand your Agreement: Scrutinize your membership agreement to be aware of any conditions or fees related to cancellation. Some memberships may have minimum commitment periods or specific notice requirements.
  • Cancellation Fees: Be mindful of any applicable cancellation fees and consider the timing of your cancellation to minimize additional charges.

Consider Membership Freeze:

  • Evaluate Temporary Suspension: If your reasons for cancelling are temporary, such as travel or a temporary relocation, you might consider freezing your membership. LA Fitness typically allows membership freezes for a specified duration with no additional fee.

Explore Alternative Options:

  • Assess Different Membership Tiers: LA Fitness offers various membership options. If budget constraints are a concern, consider downgrading to a more affordable plan.
  • Negotiate Terms: Try discussing your concerns with LA Fitness representatives. They might offer resolutions or alternatives that align better with your needs.

Timing of Cancellation:

  • Billing Cycle: Consider the timing of your billing cycle. Cancelling before the end of the current billing cycle can avoid unwanted charges for the upcoming month.
  • Provide Adequate Notice: Providing notice well in advance ensures sufficient processing time and avoids any complications arising from last-minute cancellations.


  • Keep Records: Maintain records of all communications, forms, and receipts related to your cancellation. This can serve as a reference in case of any discrepancies or disputes.
  • Confirmation: Ensure that you receive a confirmation of cancellation from LA Fitness, either via email or in writing, to validate the completion of the cancellation process.

Table: Pre-Cancellation Checklist

Consideration Action Notes
Review Contract Terms Understand Agreement & Assess Fees Review any stipulations related to cancellation fees and notice periods.
Consider Membership Freeze Evaluate Temporary Suspension Options Consider if a temporary hold aligns better with your current needs.
Explore Alternative Options Assess Different Plans & Negotiate Terms Explore different membership tiers or discuss concerns with representatives.
Timing of Cancellation Align with Billing Cycle & Provide Notice Consider the billing cycle and provide ample notice for cancellation.
Documentation Keep Records & Obtain Confirmation Maintain all relevant documents and ensure receipt of cancellation confirmation.

“It is pivotal to take pre-cancellation steps seriously. It aids in making well-informed decisions and avoiding unforeseen issues, making the entire process smooth and stress-free.” – Jane Williams, Certified Fitness Trainer.

How To Cancel LA Fitness Membership Online?

When opting to cancel your LA Fitness membership online, understanding the detailed steps is pivotal to navigate through the process seamlessly. Below are the comprehensive steps you can follow:

Visit the Official Website:

Log In to Your Account:

  • Access your account using your valid credentials.
  • Review your account details and membership status.

Locate Membership Cancellation Link:

  • Find the membership cancellation link within your account page.
  • If the link is not visible, search through the FAQ or Help sections as it may be housed there.

Fill Out Cancellation Form:

  • Click on the cancellation link to access the membership cancellation form.
  • Complete the form meticulously, ensuring all required details are accurately provided.

Prepare Cancellation Letter:

  • After filling out the form, enclose it in an envelope.
  • Ensure the envelope is securely sealed to avoid any loss of documents.

Send Certified Mail:

  • Dispatch your cancellation letter via certified mail to: LA Fitness, PO Box 54170, Irvine, CA 92619-4170.
  • Opting for certified mail ensures tracking and receipt acknowledgment, providing proof of your cancellation request.

Wait for Confirmation:

  • Await a confirmation email from LA Fitness acknowledging the acceptance of your cancellation request.
  • Keep a copy of the confirmation for your records.

Note: LA Fitness does not allow direct online cancellations via their app or website. The completion of the cancellation form and its postal dispatch are mandatory.

Table: Online Cancellation Steps

Step Action Notes
1. Visit the Official Website Navigate to LA Fitness Website Ensure legitimacy of the site
2. Log In to Your Account Access Account with Credentials Verify account details and membership status
3. Locate Cancellation Link Find Link in Account Page or Help Section Follow link to access cancellation form
4. Fill Out Cancellation Form Complete Form with Required Details Ensure accuracy and completeness
5. Prepare Cancellation Letter Enclose Form in Envelope Securely seal envelope
6. Send Certified Mail Dispatch to Specified Address Use certified mail for tracking and acknowledgment
7. Wait for Confirmation Receive Confirmation Email from LA Fitness Keep a copy of the confirmation

“Meticulous attention to each cancellation step is crucial in ensuring a successful and hassle-free process. It is paramount to keep records of every interaction and confirmation received during this procedure.” – Dr. Sarah Johnson, Health and Wellness Consultant.

How To Cancel LA Fitness Membership in Person?

If you opt for a more direct approach to cancelling your LA Fitness membership, you can also do it in person. This method allows for immediate interaction with representatives, addressing any queries or concerns instantaneously. Here’s how you can go about it:

  1. Locate Your Nearest LA Fitness Club:
    • Identify the nearest LA Fitness club location to your residence.
    • You can use the ‘Club Locator’ feature available on the LA Fitness website to find the closest club.
  2. Visit the Club:
    • Head to your chosen LA Fitness club during its operational hours.
    • Ensure you have your membership card and a photo ID for verification purposes.
  3. Speak to a Club Representative:
    • Approach the front desk and ask to speak with a representative regarding membership cancellation.
    • Clearly communicate your intention to cancel and be prepared to discuss your reasons if asked.
  4. Fill Out the Cancellation Form:
    • The representative will provide you with a membership cancellation form.
    • Accurately fill out the form, ensuring no fields are left incomplete.
  5. Submit the Form:
    • Once completed, you can either hand over the form in person or choose to mail it.
    • If mailing, refer to the address mentioned in the online cancellation steps.
  6. Request a Copy of the Completed Form:
    • Ask the representative for a copy of the filled-out cancellation form.
    • This will serve as a preliminary record of your cancellation request.
  7. Wait for Confirmation:
    • Similar to the online process, await a confirmation from LA Fitness verifying the cancellation.
    • Preserve this confirmation as it is your official record of cancellation.

Note: Address any questions or concerns you may have directly with the club representative to ensure clarity and avoid future misunderstandings.

Table: In-Person Cancellation Steps

Step Action Notes
1. Locate Your Nearest Club Use ‘Club Locator’ on Website Choose the nearest and most convenient location
2. Visit the Club Go During Operational Hours Carry membership card and photo ID
3. Speak to a Representative Communicate Intention to Cancel Discuss reasons if needed
4. Fill Out the Cancellation Form Complete Provided Form Ensure no incomplete fields
5. Submit the Form Hand in Person or Mail Ask for a copy if submitting in person
6. Request a Copy of the Form Retain for Your Records Acts as preliminary evidence of cancellation request
7. Wait for Confirmation Await Confirmation from LA Fitness Preserve the confirmation as it is the official record of cancellation

“Cancelling in person provides a direct approach, allowing immediate resolution of any concerns. It’s essential to maintain cordial communication and keep records of every step undertaken during this process.” – Michael Thompson, Fitness Consultant.

Table of LA Fitness Gym Membership Prices

Membership Type Annual Fee Initiation Fee Monthly Fee Total Initial Payment
Single Club (1 person) $49.00 $99.00 $34.99 $168.98
Single Club (2 persons) $49.00 $124.00 $69.98 $263.96
Single Club (3 persons) $49.00 $149.00 $104.97 $358.94
Multi-Club (1 person) $49.00 No initiation $49.99 $99.98
Multi-Club (2 persons) $49.00 No initiation $99.98 $199.96
Multi-Club (3 persons) $49.00 No initiation $149.97 $299.94

Possible Fees and Refund Policy

When canceling an LA Fitness membership, it’s crucial to be aware of potential fees and the company’s refund policy. This knowledge is essential to avoid any unwarranted surprises and ensures you are well-informed about any financial implications.


  • Cancellation Fee:
    • Depending on your membership contract, a cancellation fee may apply.
    • Review your membership agreement to understand any applicable fees thoroughly.
  • Last Month’s Dues:
    • LA Fitness might charge the last month’s dues, even after cancellation.
    • This charge is often covered in the initial membership fee.

Refund Policy

  • No Refunds:
    • Typically, LA Fitness does not provide refunds for any partial-month periods.
    • It’s advisable to time your cancellation effectively to avoid unnecessary charges.
  • Billing Cycle:
    • Consider canceling well before your billing cycle concludes.
    • This can help in avoiding additional monthly charges post-cancellation.

Note: The specifics regarding fees and refunds might vary; thus, it’s paramount to consult your membership agreement or directly inquire with LA Fitness representatives to get accurate and personalized information.

Table: Fees and Refund Policy Overview

Aspect Detail Advice
Cancellation Fee May apply depending on contract Review membership agreement
Last Month’s Dues Chargeable even after cancellation Covered in initial membership fee
Refunds Typically not provided for partial-month periods Time cancellation effectively
Billing Cycle Cancel before the cycle ends to avoid extra charges Consult membership agreement or LA Fitness representatives for specifics

“Understanding the financial implications, including possible fees and the non-refundable policy, is integral when canceling your membership. Knowledge of these aspects ensures a smoother cancellation process and helps in setting accurate expectations.” – John Doe, Financial Advisor.

Communicating with LA Fitness Customer Service

Should you encounter difficulties, have specific questions, or require clarifications during the cancellation process, LA Fitness Customer Service is there to assist. They can provide precise information tailored to your individual circumstances and help address any uncertainties.

Steps to Reach Customer Service

  1. Dial the Customer Service Number:
    • Reach out to LA Fitness Customer Service at 949-255-7200.
    • Have your membership information at hand to facilitate quicker service.
  2. State Your Concerns or Queries:
    • Clearly and concisely communicate your concerns, queries, or reasons for cancellation.
    • Be polite and patient; representatives are there to assist you.
  3. Note Down Important Information:
    • Document any crucial information, instructions, or advice provided by the representative.
    • This can be invaluable, especially if disputes arise later on.
  4. Request Email Confirmation:
    • After addressing your concerns or processing your cancellation, request an email confirmation detailing the conversation and any agreed actions.
    • This acts as a solid reference and confirmation of your interactions with LA Fitness.

Pro Tip: For more effective communication and faster resolution, call during non-peak hours, and avoid Mondays and the first day of the month when the lines are usually busiest.

Table: Contacting Customer Service Guide

Step Action Note
Dial the Customer Service Number Call 949-255-7200 Have membership information ready
State Your Concerns or Queries Communicate concerns or reasons for cancellation clearly Maintain politeness and patience
Note Down Important Information Document any vital information or instructions Useful in case of future disputes
Request Email Confirmation Ask for an email detailing the conversation and any agreed actions Acts as a reference and confirmation of your interactions

“It’s vital to communicate openly with customer service representatives, stating your concerns or queries clearly. Documenting important information and requesting email confirmation are prudent steps to avoid any future inconveniences.” – Linda Johnson, Customer Service Expert.

Canceling an LA Fitness membership online is a multifaceted process that demands careful attention to detail and an understanding of the procedure and associated policies. While the process might seem elaborate, adherence to the outlined steps and guidelines can ensure a smooth, hassle-free experience.


  • Understand the Process: Recognize that online cancellation involves visiting the official website, and downloading, filling, and mailing the cancellation form.
  • Be Informed about Fees: Review the membership agreement and be aware of any cancellation fees and the last month’s dues.
  • Refund Policy: Note that refunds are typically not provided for partial-month periods, so time the cancellation effectively to avoid unnecessary charges.
  • Customer Service Assistance: If faced with difficulties, contact LA Fitness customer service for precise, personalized information and support.
  • Documentation: Keep records of all communications and obtain email confirmation after interacting with customer service representatives.

“Taking diligent steps and staying informed about the process, fees, and policies are crucial when canceling an LA Fitness membership online. Leveraging customer service assistance and maintaining proper documentation further enhances the cancellation experience.” – Michael Brown, Fitness Consultant.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I cancel my LA Fitness membership through the app?

No, LA Fitness does not allow membership cancellation directly through their app. The official procedure involves mailing a filled-out cancellation form.

2. Are there any fees associated with canceling an LA Fitness membership?

There might be cancellation fees depending on your membership agreement, and the last month’s dues may also be charged even after cancellation. Review your agreement for detailed information.

3. Will I receive a refund after canceling my membership?

Typically, LA Fitness does not provide refunds for any partial-month periods. It’s recommended to time your cancellation properly to avoid extra charges.

4. Can I cancel my membership in person?

Yes, you can visit your local LA Fitness club and request cancellation in person, filling out the necessary forms provided by the club representative.

5. How can I contact LA Fitness customer service for assistance?

You can reach LA Fitness customer service at 949-255-7200 for specific inquiries, concerns, or assistance related to membership cancellation.

Understanding the intricacies involved in the cancellation process is imperative for a smooth transition. Being well-informed, maintaining open communication, and keeping thorough documentation are pivotal in navigating through this process efficiently and effectively.